. GEMPAR! Lelaki Penggemar Kucing adalah GAY?

9:05 PM









isu panas! kebelakangan ini tersebar ura-ura mengatakan bahawa lelaki yang menyukai kucing sebenarnya mereka adalah gay. anda percaya? tak percaya? as fo me, TH percaya. ya..mereka sangat GAY! homaigod.. TH ada bukti kukuh yang menyataka mereka ini adalah semuanya gay bila bersama kucing. yah..katakan gay kepada mereka. ok. jangan melenting dahulu. TH dah buat survey di twitter dan kebanyakan tidak setuju dengan pernyataan “LELAKI YANG MENYUKAI KUSING ADALAH GAY”. tapi kan..setelah dipujuk.. mereka bersetuju dengan pernyataan diatas. lala~


actually gay yang TH maksudkan ni bukanlah homosexual tu. but reffering to other meaning of gay. jum tengok ape maksudnya :




a homosexual person, especially a male.



in a gay manner.

1275–1325; 1950–55 for def. 5; Middle English gai  < Old French  < Germanic; compare Old High German gāhi fast, sudden

—Related forms

gay·ness, noun

non·gay, adjective

qua·si-gay, adjective


1. gleeful, jovial, glad, joyous, happy, cheerful, sprightly, blithe, airy, light-hearted; vivacious, frolicsome, sportive, hilarious. Gay, jolly, joyful, merry describe a happy or light-hearted mood. Gay suggests a lightness of heart or liveliness of mood that is openly manifested: when hearts were young and gay. Jolly indicates a good-humored, natural, expansive gaiety of mood or disposition: a jolly crowd at a party. Joyful suggests gladness, happiness, rejoicing: joyful over the good news. Merry is often interchangeable with gay : a merry disposition; a merry party; it suggests, even more than the latter, convivial animated enjoyment. 2. brilliant.


1. unhappy, mournful.


—Usage note
In addition to its original and continuing senses of “merry, lively” and “bright or showy,” gay has had various senses dealing with sexual conduct since the 17th century. A gay woman was a prostitute, a gay man a womanizer, a gay house a brothel. This sexual world included homosexuals too, and gay as an adjective meaning “homosexual” goes back at least to the early 1900s. After World War II, as social attitudes toward sexuality began to change, gay was applied openly by homosexuals to themselves, first as an adjective and later as a noun. Today, the noun often designates only a male homosexual: gays and lesbians. The word has ceased to be slang and is not used disparagingly. Homosexual as a noun is sometimes used only in reference to a male




haha! actually ape yang TH nak maksudkan, is bila dengan kucing kita akan hepi (gay) lala~ reffering to the other mean of gay Smile kan. sape tak hepi bila main-main dengan bunatang peliharaan especially kucing kan. lala~ #okbai. nak mengarut yang tuh je la.


TH : saye suke kucing gak.. lala~


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