

4:09 PM

Salam sejahtera. aiyak.dah lama tak ditag dan men-tag nih..ekeke..kali ni fiq ditag by si lipas

ni la person yang bertanggungjawab men-tag

instruction : once you are tagged, answer all the questions honestly

Person who tagged : Si Lipas a.k.a rahman
Starting time : 14.27

Name : fiq
Full name : mohd taufiq helios othman
Sibling(s):2 orang je

eye colour : haa..aku pun tak sure la.hitam tak hitam..hazel kot..hahah
Shoe size : 7 or 8.-beasr kot kaki :D
Hair : brunette?haha..hitam tapi tak hitam sangat
Height : 170 cm kot(aku rendah,tapi tinggi budi bahasa..betul....hihi)
What are you wearing right now : t-shirt soda hitam n jeng jeng..of kos la short sbb dalam bilik
Where do you live : bagan serai perak

Favourite number : 019-7******
Favourite drink : teh tarik, caramel tea, green tea, rooibos tea
Favourite month : Januari,March,Julai,DIsember (sbb bole bagi hadiah) May (sbb dapat hadiah)
Favourite breakfast : nasik kerabu kak yah :D

-Have you ever-

Broken a bone : penah patah tangan kecik2 dulu
Been in a police car : gile ah..atas keta polis penah la.keta mainan..ekeke
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : penah..tp tuh just not more than crush je..kot!! haha
Swam in the ocean : mean? mandi pantai??penah...berenang kt laut dalam xpenah la
Fallen asleep in school :itu sudah menjadi hobi :D
Broken someone's heart :pernah..and tak nak buat dah
Cried when someone died :yup......of kos lar
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : kadang-kadang
Saved e-mails : simpan la gak kalau yang penting tuh
Been cheated on : penah..dengan apek kedai komputer.ade patot dia bagi barang tipu....ngeee~


Your room look like : macam gua..haha! xde ar..biasa2 jek
What is right beside you : my ipod,lappy,phone,kipas..hmmm..ape lagi ek
What is the last thing you ate : megi...sebelum pegi smayang jumaat tadik

-Ever Had-

Chicken pox : pernah sekali jek..insap..xmo kena dah
Sore throat : sakit tekak? banyak kali kot
Stitches : ouh yeah!! suci dari jahitan

-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight : agak percaya disitu.. :D
Like picnics? : giler kentang!!! memang suke gile pegi piknik.


Who did you last yell at? : haha..kat safiyah...via sms! boleh kan..haha
Who was the last person you danced with? : aiyok..dah lama tak pergi clubbing nih..(pernah pegi ke?)
Who last made you smile? : takde sape lagi rini :((

-Final Questions-

What are you listening to right now? : dengar lagu kat itunes nih..dari tadik dok main lagu nasyid jek..haish..
What did you do today? : tido,bangun,pegi taklimat,blogwalk,update blog..and JAWAB TAG NIH LA...haha!!
Are you the oldest? : nope..i'm da youngest :D.
Indoors or outdoors? : ofkos la nk dua2..haha!!

-Last person who-

You talked to on the phone ? : my bestfren...mahmudah <---klik situ kalau nk tgk FB dia
Made you cry? : nanges??haha...tah..dah lupe..(sebenarnya malu nk jawab)
You went to the mall with ? :dah lama tak pegi mall..saje malas jenjalan
Who cheered you up ? :my you-know-who :D

-Have you-

Been to Mexico ? : gile...pegi sana nk jupe rosalinda ke?haha..xpenah dol.
Been to USA ? : tak penah...tapi nak pegi la nanti


What books are you reading right now? : buku??ape itu??haha...xde baca pape pom
Best feeling in the world? : hmm...bersama yang tersayg lar :D
Future kids name? : i dnt want kid(s)!! bole?? haha..main2 je la..tak pikir lagik la..malas!!
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : yup..sbb ada orang hadiahkan
What's under your bed? : xdenyer under2 dah skang ni..katil dah pindah rumah baru..tido atas lantai jek
Favourite sport (s) : skuasy,basketball,tennis.
Favourite place : dalam bilik seniri..haha
Who do you really hate? : sape ek? mamat/minah propa?
Do you have a job? : bakal..optimis keh!! :D
What time is it now? : 15.43 (lama kan ak amek masa nak jawab nih)

p/s : with however long it took you to complete this, post as " banyak tanya betul!" and tag 15 people.

pssttt : teringin la nk suruh bro framestone jawab gak...ni ha...special kat bro..
jawab yek bro framestone

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