

1:26 PM

Good Day.

people keep asking me,


Frankly speaking, I am not sure how to answer this question but here goes. For starters, I bought the flight ticket because it was super cheap. Yup, it was just because it was super (like buying a carton of peanuts) cheap.  Later, all my friends also bought their tickets because I kept pestering em to do so.  They kept asking me what we the heck are we gonna do there for 5 days?! And it also seems that Hyderabad is not a famous spot for international travellers.  

After more than two months of researching on India; their culture, their language, their places, we have come up with a plan to travel to various cities. Starting from Hyderabad we planned to go to Goa then to Mumbai. and from there we were going to Delhi then straight to Jaipur and Agra to visit the famous Taj Mahal and then come back to Hyderabad. Yes, THAT complicated route was the original plan. Sometime later we thought” that is way too much to go to!” and just like that, we've decided to only enjoy Hyderabad. To our suriprise, several times researching on Hyderabad, the city itself has many interesting places waiting to be discovered.

First things first. In this part, I will talk on ‘The Arrival’ and food in Hyderabad.


From what I’ve heard from a local, there were two cities named Hyderabad. There is one in Pakistan called Hyderabad and another one, the one in India, called Hyderabad Deccan. It is because, long time ago before separation, Pakistan is one of state in India and that’s why today, we have two cities named Hyderabad. it is estimated that this city has aged for more than 400 years.  


In Hyderabad, we landed at Rajiv Ghandi International Airport, a small airport with super tight security and only passenger can only enter this airport. Locals are not allowed to enter the airport even to send their loved one off. Furthermore, once you exit the airport, you cannot re-enter and if you want to enter the departure hall, you will need a valid flight ticket. Not like here in Malaysia, we can enter almost everywhere except boarding hall.  Proof: KLIA2 is also a lepaking place.

overnight at the airport

From the airport, it takes about 35 minutes to reach our hotel. It is advisable to take taxi at the counter (prepaid taxi) to make sure you’re not getting scammed. Our hotel is located at Abids street. From the airport to the hotel, we were charged Rs620 (MYR40++) per car. The price of our cheap hotel? We paid MYR157.30 for 5 days! Not a macaroon more.  


If you’re travelling to India, please be careful of what you eat. Please try not to eat street food and pleas only drink bottled mineral water.

In Hyderabad, biryani is one of the most famous food that you must try. I would recommend Grand Hotel Restaurant but the local says that Paradise Biryani is the most delicious and famous biryani in Hyderabad. Other than biryani, chicken butter, chicken 65 and naan tandoori are also to die for dishes when you’re in Hyderabad. Don’t worry about the price. I’m not gonna treat you for meals but i found that food price in Hyderabad is super cheap and the portion is big too. An ambeng experience. 

Last but not least, I find that people in Hyderabad is really nice and helpful. So don’t worry if you get lost over there, just ask and you shall be answered. 

to be continue…

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