Ape La Nasib :(
6:46 PMIn 1958, Anna, a young cleaning woman, is sent to spruce up the abandoned St. Ange orphanage in the French Alps region in 1958. In fact, she has been sent there because she is pregnant, but she keeps this a secret from others. She then discovers that Judith is the only orphan who still lives there, a young woman who acts like a child, locked up in her own memories. As she begins her cleaning duties, Anna begins to experience strange things such as hearing the footsteps and voices of children down the hallways. Meanwhile, her co-worker, a cook named Helenka, does not hear a thing, and begins to worry about Anna's state of mind.
As time passes, Anna begins to suspect that St. Ange holds a dark secret. Convinced that Judith's memories hold part of the answer, Anna coaxes her into helping uncover the sinister secrets that lie under the orphanage
my review after tengok citer nie :
memang macam taik. jalan cerita is very simple. berkisarkan sorang pompuan degil yang amat. ape yang tak bagi yang tuh la nak buat,agak annoying. haha..but yang tuh make jalan cerita tuh berkembang. sepatutnye masuk dlm genre sci-fi, not dlm genre horror/ghost movie. and dalam cite nih banyak menggambarkan watak utama tuh berhalusinasi and yang tu membuatkan dia mati. da la mati..orang buat tataw je kat mayat dia and anak dia yang baru lahir tak cukup bulan sangat tuh..at the end of story, orphanage tu ditinggalkan. sume blah dari situ. haish..memang "seram" sangat la citer ni...