

11:59 AM

Pernah dengar mengenai Backpack keluaran Gaston Luga? Sebenarnya Gaston Luga ni merupakan sebuah syarikat pengeluar backpack yang agak terkenal dari Sweden. Berkonsepkan 'minimalist' dalam setiap rekabentuk, backpack keluaran Gaston Luga ni semestinya menjadi pilihan setiap pengembara dan sesiapa sahaja yang sukakan rekabentuk beg yang moden, selesa dan mewah.

Baru baru ni, abam diberi peluang untuk mencuba sendiri backpack dari Gaston Luga ni. Kalau korang perasan, dalam entry lepas >klik sini< abam dah cerita dah pasal backpack ni.

Untuk mereka yang masih tercari-cari backpack yang sesuai untuk digunakan untuk pelbagai aktiviti or dibawa travel, search no more, backpack dari Gaston Luga adalah jawapannya. Jom tengok beberapa 'feature' backpack Gaston Luga ni yang abam sure korang akan setuju.

Bahan/Material - Untuk backpack ni, abam berpeluang menggunakan backpack dari range produk siri klasik. Forest and Green backpack kalau nama omputehnya. Material untuk backpack ni sangat best. Gaston Luga takde pakai material cikai and bagi backpack ni diorang pakai kain cotton yang sangat tebal tapi lembut dan selesa. Ada beberapa perincian pada backpack ni diorang pakai metal dan jugak kulit. Sebagai contoh, kalau backpack biasa, selalunya akan menggunakan strap bahu dari nylon tapi untuk backpack Gaston Luga ni, diorang gunakan material yang sama macam body backpack ni iaitu thick cotton strap. So, memang kukuh lah.

Untuk strap dari penutup atas ke body backpack , Gaston Luga menggunakan strap kulit yang tebal dan ditambah dengan perincian menggunakan metal. Selain itu, perincian di dasar backpack ni jugak sangat best. Di setiap penjuru pada dasar backpack ni dilengkapi dengan metal-base untuk memudahkan pengguna nk stabilkan bag masa nak packing or unpack atau nak mengeluarkan barangan bila diperlukan.

Kepelbagaian Penggunaan - Kalau korang ingat backpack dari Gaston Luga ni hanya boleh pakai untuk travel, korang memang silap besar. Sebenarnya backpack Gaston Luga ni sangat multi-purpose. Boleh pakai bawak balik kampung, dijadikan day-pack masa korang travel dan jugak boleh bawak ke kelas atau pejabat. Ruang dalam backpack ni pon besar, siap korang boleh masukkan laptop yang bersaiz standart lagi sebab backpack ni ada sekali compartment khas untuk simpan laptop.

Salah satu ciri tambahan khas untuk backpack Gaston Luga ni, diorang ada sediakan 'poket khas' dekat belakang backpack ni.Kalau ikot website, diorang cakap compartment rahsia ni boleh simpan barang penting macam passport dan tiket tiket yang berkaitan masa travel and boleh jugak simpan telefon genggam. 

Berkenan dan macam mana nak beli? Haa abam ada promo code khas sempena raya ni. Kalau engkorang berkenan nak beli backpack ni, cepat cepat masuk ke website Gaston Luga dan pilih lah backpack mana yang korang berkenan. Ada macam macam design dan color dalam website tu. Berita baik kalau korang beli direct di website Gaston Luga, semestinya penghantaran adalah PERCUMA ke seluruh dunia. 

Selain tu jugak, since Malaysia ni adalah bukan negara EU atau Kesatuan Eropah, korang jugak akan dapat instant diskaun sebanyak 20% untuk caj VAT. Nak lagi diskaun? Korang boleh pakai abam punya diskon code (haa yang ni abam memang tak dapat pape untung eh) masa nak checkout tu nanti. Key in je "Helios15" dan korang akan dapat additional 15% diskon. Nak lagi? Sebenarnya kalau korang beli backpack dari Gaston Luga ni, biasanya diorang akan bagi 'free seasonal item'. Contohnya few months back, Gaston Luga ada bagi FREE cardholder and sekarang kalau tak silap, diorang ada bagi free exclusive Gaston Luga Tote Bag dengan setiap pembelian.

*contoh diskaun

Nak ape lagi? Menarik kan backpack Gaston Luga ni. 


2:53 PM

Over the years of becoming an avid traveler, traveling so many times, especially in South East Asia, I noticed that some globetrotters love to travel in style and brush aside their comfort. Comfort is key when travelling but in the same time, you have to look good. How do you balance between the two? Here's some tips for you to travel with style yet be comfortable throughout your journey.


photo by : ashraffadzeman

Either you're wearing Zara or Louis Vuitton or Uniqlo, make sure the size fits you. Don't compromise your comfort by picking one size smaller or bigger because they run out of stock for your size. Wear a comfy yet fashionable shirt with the right size of jeans, not your little sister’s or your grandma’s jeans. If you're traveling in cold weather please do not forget to bring a cozy-enough cardigan or jacket to keep you warm.

Pro tips : If you want to travel light, get yourself a versatile shirt that can be worn over and over again. Ones that can be layered with cardigan or jacket. Ditch your sweatpants and leggings because even though it is somewhat comfortable, they’re just downright hideous to be worn during your travles.


There's plenty of stylish flats out there. You can take easy-to-slip-on loafers or sneakers into consideration. Girs! If you wanna look more chic , you can slip into ballet flats. It’s cute too. Slippers? They’re big no NO! Neither comfortable nor fashionable. But remember to bring one for usage in your hotel or hostel. You don't want to always wear sneakers 24/7 right?

Pro Tips : if you want to travel in style, be comfortable and travel light, and you don't want to bring too many pair of shoes. So just pick a go-with-everything sneakers that you can match with your outfits.


Some love to bring luggage while traveling because for them it is more stylish and some love to carry backpack because for them, it is easy to carry. Just grab and go. Which one is better? For me, both can be stylish and easy to carry if you know how to pick the right one.

If you ask me to choose between luggage or backpack, personally, I would choose a backpack. It is indeed easiest to carry, and I can just pack everything easily in a flash. I love to travel light, so every time embarking for a new journey, I will make sure that I will pack only necessary things and make sure it doesn't exceed the weight for the cabin limit (when travelling by air).

One of my favorite backpack without a doubt is the one that’s designed in Sweden and using minimalistic concept, making it luxe yet functional, made by Gaston Luga. I am currently using the Forest and Green backpack from Gaston Luga's Calssic Series.

The idea of minimalistic design of the backpack comes from the founder itself. They believe that every backpack is the most optimal companion when discovering the world and it should represent the owner in most elegant way while giving style and comfort.

This stylish backpack comes with Gaston Luga's signature passport pocket at the back of the backpack that can be used for storing important documents such passport or tickets. It’s easy to access and makes it hard for wandering hands to snitch things from you.

This backpack also not just only meant for travel, you can also use for other occasions such school or work because it equipped with inner compartment for 13"-15" laptop. So, I’m planning to use this as a daypack once in a while...for occasions (I’m loving it too much right now).

Pro Tips : Always brings small backpack to be use as daypack while travelling if you're using big backpack.

If you are interested in this backpack, you can buy directly from Gaston Luga Website. FREE WORLDWIDE DELIVERY by DHL or Ninjavan Express. In addition, for those shipping outside EU (especially for us, in Malaysia) , the 20% of Swedish VAT will be automatically deducted. On top of that, you can use my promotional code “Helios15” to get extra 15% discount on the checkout. (i dont get any money for this ya!). Also, you also get a free limited seasonal Plankan Cardholder and you can claim it at the checkout page.

So there you go. My tips on how to balance being stylish and comfortable to help you make the most out of the journey.

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